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Can Predictive Maintenance Become the Future of Aircraft MRO?

2020-09-09 / 3 min

The value of predictive maintenance is already well recognized by the biggest players in the industry. For instance, Airbus’s Aircraft Maintenance Analysis (Airman), used by 106 customers, constantly monitors health and transmits faults or warning messages to ground control, providing rapid access to maintenance documents and troubleshooting steps prioritized by likelihood of success. Meanwhile, Boeing’s

Avoiding Seemingly Unavoidable Losses – Communication and Logistic Mishaps in Aviation Aftermarket

2020-09-09 / 3 min

Recently the Indian MRO association has addressed the government demanding to place the spare parts import for the aftermarket sector under the ‘deemed exports’ category, enabling service providers to benefit from a tax holiday, thus easing up the intensive logistics of aftermarket spare parts. Despite the constant complaints voiced by airlines and MROs worldwide, import

OEMs’ Aftermarket Squeeze Puts Inner Competition at Risk

2020-09-09 / 3 min

Modern OEM companies are not what they used to be just several decades ago, as today they aren‘t limiting their activities to aircraft manufacturing only. As new technologies are increasingly introduced into the aviation, in recent years its players have seen the manufacturers exert more influence not only in engine, but also in airframe aftermarket

ERP Integration: A Holistic Answer to Aviation’s Needs

2020-09-09 / 3 min

Given the numbers of aircraft in service today, MRO has evolved to become a major market differentiator within aviation. Visiongain predicts that the value of the commercial aircraft MRO market in will top $80 billion in a decade. However, it also expects the market to face many new challenges, including those stemming from some OEMs

Are Unified Standards a Panacea to an Automated MRO Data Exchange?

2020-09-09 / 2 min

Whether it’s composite materials, complex avionics or new engines – each new technology introduced into aviation brings in widely different aircraft MRO demands. Naturally, with the nearing introduction of new generation aircraft, the demand for solutions that enable data handling to ensure efficiency of maintenance operations increases accordingly. However, choosing the appropriate solution for such

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