Home / Sensus MRO: Enterprise Resource Planning Solution to Revolutionize Aviation MRO

Sensus MRO: Enterprise Resource Planning Solution to Revolutionize Aviation MRO

2020-09-09 / 2 min
Locatory.com partners with Unical Aviation

The world of aviation MRO is full of strict deadlines, vital decisions, and intense documentation. With a burden of accountability like that, MRO providers demand the very best tools to help make each step of their work as simple and straightforward as possible. To help those in the aviation MRO industry meet their profound needs, Locatory.com paired with some of the best base maintenance consultants in Europe to develop Sensus MRO, a web-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution.

Sensus MRO was created as a branch off of Locatory.com’s Sensus Aero product line. Through extensive experience gained from a long history of working in the aviation sphere, the Sensus Aero product line was designed with the goal of providing highly tailored solutions for aviation businesses. Sensus MRO is one of those solutions. Its software is a unique module based system that is designed around the best practices in aircraft LEAN operations to make MRO processes more efficient with less human effort.

The advanced reporting engines within Sensus MRO facilitate better control and decision-making processes. The system collects data from all working hours spent on projects to furnish a detailed report of profitable and non-profitable hours and through the thorough analyses of expenditures provide accurate ROIs figures. The system also takes into account client needs by presenting important information in an easily accessible portal that clients can use to see data such as current project status, required approvals, and more. This feature allows MRO providers the opportunity to check how long it takes for a client to approve the purchase of required materials and monitor the impact of those times on TATs (Turn Around Time).

Sensus MRO can oversee projects to ensure that everything is on track and on time while regularly measuring performance. Budget corrections can also be made through the system according to the changes that happen during varying processes. Automatically generated invoicing data helps reduce the time it takes to bill clients and produces precise information for accounting software. All of this occurs while the system helps ensure the accuracy and reliability of information, provides project cost visibility, and efficiency in cost management. Continually monitoring the progress of projects allows for potential problems to be easily identified and corrective action to be taken immediately.

Along with Sensus MRO’s highly customizable module based system, MRO providers can also work with Locatory.com’s program developers to create individualized software systems that fit the specific needs of each company. Since Sensus MRO utilizes state-of-the-art cloud computing, the system is accessible from anywhere in the world and provides a great alternative for MRO organizations that want to keep up with the everchanging technology, but are not yet ready to commit to the replacement of their entire ERP system. Implementation is rapid and accurate allowing highly specific needs to be met for both small projects and full implementation.

With Sensus MRO, aviation professionals can achieve the best results in the fastest manner at the lowest cost while remaining competitive in a consolidating market. This system increases reaction times to customer needs and, in turn, can boost both profits and reputations through the elimination of non-value added activities.

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